Sunday, June 10, 2007

No Person Should Urinate Here (but they do)

"No person should urinate here". These are the words plastered on a segment of wall leading to the Defense Colony market. Normally, I would've found that kind of kitsch. But at 48°C, urine takes on a different form. It becomes pungent (I do believe it's the first time I've used that word) it becomes noticeable -- very noticeable.

It's the second day of high temperatures and the effects of the heat seemed to be giving me a headache and a good dose of lethargy, so I've decided to try to stay at home most of the day.

Unfortunately, the cable company hasn't changed my subscription yet, so I'm still limited to Star Movies and HBO, CNN or some 10-20 local channels in Hindi, Punjabi or Tamil.

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